(415) 506-4907 orthomedoffice@gmail.com

Dr. Gloria Tucker | PRP | Regenerative Medicine | Prolotherapy

PRP, Regenerative Medicine, and Prolotherapy are excellent treatments for all of the following: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, sacroiliac (SI) joint instability, shoulder instability, ankle instability, patellar dislocations, TMJ, meniscal tears, hip pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis elbow, hypermobility, low back pain, chronic neck pain, wrist pain, base of thumb pain, plantar fasciitis, and so much more.

Dr. Tucker's practice in Marin County, CA specializes in resolving these conditions by treating the ligaments and tendons using ultrasound-guided PRP and prolotherapy.

When Pain Persists – Chronic Pain Treatment That Works!

Millions of people in this country suffer from low back pain, knee pain, chronic neck pain, foot pain, TMJ, hip pain, and pain in every joint imaginable. Pain severely limits their lives. Most people are unsure about the cause of the pain, and have found no relief. Perhaps you’re one of them. Pain medicines are prescribed, and sometimes surgery is recommended, but the pain continues. Due to wear and tear, hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), or after an injury or surgery, very specific tendons or ligaments are not functioning correctly. Exercise doesn’t strengthen damaged ligaments. And the pain persists.


It’s the Ligaments!

We use our joints in every activity. The ligaments, which hold bones to bones, can wear out. Ligaments are like twine, and when used over and over they can lose their strength, resulting in a loss of integrity, causing excess motion and/or pain. As a result, the tendons, which hold muscles to bones, are overworked trying to hold the joints together. This creates a sensation of tightness, which also results in chronic pain.

Injecting a person’s own blood (PRP) or concentrated sugar water (Dextrose Prolotherapy) into worn tendons and ligaments gives strength to the joints, solving the problem. This can improve – if not completely resolve – the pain!

In approaching chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system, the first step is diagnosing which ligaments and tendons are involved, and treating them. In Dr. Tucker’s PRP and Prolotherapy practice, this is what we do.

Dr. Tucker has mastered the technique of PRP and prolotherapy for healing ligaments and tendons. She is an instructor with the Hackett-Hemwall-Patterson Foundation, where Dr. Patterson himself was her personal mentor. She has found that using PRP and prolotherapy on the ligaments and tendons is key to the true resolution of pain and instability.

Because of its popularity, Proliferative medicine (Dextrose Prolotherapy and PRP therapy) are sometimes performed by practitioners or physicians who are not specifically trained in its proper use. More important than the substance itself is who is doing the treatment. It has been said that Dr. Tucker has “the best hands in the field.”

Dr. Tucker Takes Her Time to Make an Accurate Diagnosis Before PRP and Prolotherapy Treatments

Dr. Tucker’s treatments get to the source of your pain, and take care of it once and for all. Her treatments are not invasive, like surgery is. Her treatments don’t just mask the pain, like drug therapy does. Instead, her treatments literally help your own body rebuild the supporting structures around the painful joint, giving you enduring pain relief. Dr. Tucker’s diagnoses and treatments are at the cutting edge of medicine.

Dr Gloria Tucker, M.D.
prolotherapy near me

Dr. Tucker’s trained hands are precise and accurate,
and she also uses the guidance of Ultrasound

Gloria Tucker, M.D. is

  • Instructor of Proliferative/Regenerative Techniques to Physicians since 2013
  • Board Certified Diplomate in Sports Medicine
  • University of Southern California, M.D.
  • University of Southern California B.S., Phi Beta Kappa


Dr. Tucker Weaves Together the Analytic Expertise of Traditional Medicine with the Time-Honored Success of Alternative Knowledge

Behind  the scenes of Gloria Tucker M.D.’s Prolotherapy Office; a short video




Dr. Tucker is a Specialist in the Advanced Therapies
of PRP, Regenerative Medicine, and Prolotherapy

What is Proliferative Medicine (Regenerative Medicine or Prolotherapy)?

Proliferative treatment involves carefully addressing each tendon and ligament surrounding the injured joint. Dr. Tucker creates a very precise inflammatory response in the injured tissue, allowing collagen to re-form and healing to occur. Guided by ultrasound, a series of very specific small injections initiates this response, and effectively tightens and heals the damaged tissue. Once these structures are stable, pain resolves and strengthening can take place.

Proliferative Medicine is the treatment of choice for the loose-jointed patient (Hypermobile), patellar subluxation, recurrent ankle sprain, sacroiliac (SI) instability, low back pain, mid-back pain, hips, knees (especially meniscal injuries), plantar fasciitis, fallen arches, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow ,and most problems in the foot, hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, back, and neck. It is a great remedy for early arthritis and sports injuries. Other disorders that respond beautifully to Proliferative treatment include Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia (which is frequently associated with hypermobility), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and so much more. We must stress that PRP is five times more effective than Prolotherapy, and we highly recommend exploring that option first.

Can Proliferative Medicine Help with my Nerve Pain? Yes!

Neuro-Prolotherapy (Perineural Injection Therapy)

This is a breakthrough procedure recently pioneered by Dr. John Lyftgot. He found that the receptors (TRPV1) to the chemicals secreted by the nerves carry the sensitivity to pain, and that when those nerves are ignited, injecting the skin along the nerve tracts shuts down pain transmission. Dr. Tucker uses 5% dextrose, which diffuses down into the deeper nerve tracts and stops the pain. This technique works, and it is very safe.

Dr. Tucker has great success with this procedure in treating facial pain, neck pain, head pain, hip pain, peripheral nerve pain, and severe nerve pain after injury and surgery.